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03 August 2020

Dear Hirer,

I am pleased to tell you that the village hall  is now  open and available for rent.As you would expect because of COVID 19 the way we have to arrange matters has had to be changed..

The Trustees would like to draw your attention to the new booking conditions that are additional to the existing ones and the COVID risk assessment which are attached to this email.

We have sought to minimise any risk by lowering the occupancy level of the rooms & there will be an ample supply of hand sanitizer available in the hall and we have also carried out other measures which will be apparent once you enter the hall.

Before you commence your use of the hall you can be assured that the hall has been cleaned .Upon conclusion of your hire we  are asking  you to use the cleaning stuff that has been made available to clean where you have been then prior to the next hirer using the hall it will be additionally cleaned by Hall volunteers.

The one exception to this is the toilets which will be cleaned only by the Hall volunteers.

Our aim by implementing  all these measures is to make the Hall safe and in doing so give confidence to all those who are using it .

We would be grateful if you fill in the contact sheet that has been sent to you also  as  obviously with the need to clean the Hall before any hire there needs to be a greater level of planning ahead.

Finally many of our groups may not function this year with a severe effect on our income so we would be grateful if you know anybody who needs to use a Hall to perhaps recommend us .


Thank you for your continued support 


   Trustees - Connel Village Hall 

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