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Health & Safety Policy

Connell Hall is a totally non-smoking area.

All Hall users must acquaint themselves with:-

  • The location of the first aid box (in kitchen).
  • The location of the emergency exits (two in hall, one through the small hall).
  • The fire-fighting equipment. (In kitchen and in Hall) 
  • The Emergency Evacuation Strategy (see notice board and website).
  • The Fire Prevention Policy and Procedure (see notice board and website).

The emergency doors are to be kept clear at all times.

No emergency doors are to be opened except in an emergency.

The emergency exit signs are on when the hall is being used. 

No candles or other naked flames are permitted in the hall or other rooms.

It is your responsibility to ensure that electrical equipment introduced by you, or on your behalf, is safe and in good working condition.

You must carry out a risk assessment for your activity and act on it.

The hall has neighbours.  You must respect their right not to be disturbed by your activity.

Dogs are not permitted unless they are guide dogs or are there by special arrangement with the Hall Committee. 

Consumption of alcohol in the open outside the hall is prohibited by law.

For COVID related issues please see specific section in index 

January 2020


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