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1.            What this GDPR Policy covers.

2.            What personal data we collect.

3.            How and why we use personal data.

4.            Sharing personal data with other organisations.

5.            How we protect personal data.

6.            Your rights.

7.            Changes to this GDPR Policy.


1.            What this GDPR Policy covers:

This GDPR Policy covers the activities of the Connel Hall Trustees and Hall Committee who will be referred to in this Policy as "The Board", "we", "our" or "us").  We are committed to complying with the GDPR when it comes to how we collect, use and protect your personal data. That's why we've developed this GDPR Policy which:

  • Sets out the types of personal data that we collect.
  • Explains how and why we use personal data.
  • Explains when and why we may share your personal data with other organisations.
  • Explains the rights and choices you have when it comes to your personal data.

2.            What personal data do we collect:

 When any request or enquiry is made to the Board we shall use the contact information provided to respond and will retain your contact information until the enquiry is fulfilled.  When you enter into a hire agreement with the Village Hall we shall collect the following information to ensure that the services can be provided:

  • Title, first name and surname.
  • Address and Postcode.
  • Contact Number(s).
  • E-mail address.

The Board may host fund raising events at which tickets are sold. The personal or contact information obtained during these transactions will be the minimum required to complete the sale of the tickets and would include no more than the following:

  • Title, first name and surname.
  • Address and Postcode.
  • Contact Number(s).
  • E-mail address.

Membership of Connel Hall - The board must keep a register of members, setting out for each current member:

  • his/her full name and address
  • the date on which he/she was registered as a member of the organisation

For each former member - for at least six years from the date on he/she ceased to be a member:

  • his/her name and the date on which he/she ceased to be a member.

If a member or charity trustee of the organisation requests a copy of the register of members, the board must ensure that a copy is supplied to him/her within 28 days, providing the request is reasonable; if the request is made by a member (rather than a charity trustee), the board may provide a copy which has the addresses blanked out.

When you visit the Connel Hall Website no personal or contact information is collected unless you specifically submit a request or enquiry using the contact form. The use of the contact form will be treated as an enquiry as detailed above. The website does not make use of cookies to collect information regarding your activities or interests.

3.             How and why we use personal data:

We use your personal data to ensure we can deliver our services to you as follows:

  • Respond to any enquiry or request.
  • Communicate regarding the supply and completion of Hire Agreements.
  • Produce invoices and statements.
  • Collect payments or make refunds.
  • Inspect regulatory policies or insurance such as Liability Insurance from 3rd Parties.
  • Deliver or collect keys.

We do not use personal information for direct advertising or marketing campaigns. All our marketing and advertising is on our Website or via signage around the village of Connel.  When we need to communicate with multiple customers regarding a common matter we will endeavour to communicate on a one-to-one basis to prevent the sharing of personal information. Should a situation arise where one-to-one communications is not practical then an email with a distribution list may be used however, everyone will be blind copied (BCC) to hide their personal information.

4.             Sharing personal data with other organisations:

We may share personal data with other organisations only in the following circumstances:

If the law or a public authority says we must share the personal data.

If we need to share personal data to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights.

  • If you explicitly request or permit us to communicate directly with a 3rd party in relationship to a service they are providing at the Village Hall premises.
  • If a 3rd party needs to liaise directly with a hirer to complete maintenance or service tasks and the hirer has provided their permission.

 5.             How we protect personal data:

Electronic files are stored securely on private networks and are not stored or shared across the Internet.  We enforce physical access controls to our buildings and files to keep this data safe. We only authorise access to Board members or employees who need it to carry out their job responsibilities.  We enforce procedural safeguards in connection with the collection, storage and disclosure of personal data. We may occasionally ask for proof of identity before we share your personal data with you.  Whilst we take appropriate technical and organisational measures to safeguard your personal data, please note that we cannot guarantee the security of any personal data that you transfer over the internet to us.

6.             Your rights:

Under the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to see the personal data we hold about you.

This is called a Subject Access Request.

If you would like a copy of the personal data we hold about you, please write to:

The Secretary, Trustees of Connel Hall, Dunalba, Main Street, Connel. We want to make sure that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and up to date. If any of the details are incorrect, please let us know and we will amend them.

7.             Changes to this GDPR Policy:

 We reserve the right to make changes to this GDPR Policy from time to time. We will post changes on the Connel Hall website.

November 2018 


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